Rich Sutton’s note "The Bitter Lesson" is often quoted by others. The most frequently quoted sentence is the following: The biggest lesson that can be read from 70 years of AI research is that general methods that leverage computation are ultimately the most effective, and by a large margin. Based on such a statement, a […]
[Python] Tensorflow problems
Installation Problems Problem: installation failed using pip, got ImportError: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.23' not found (required by /home/xsx/.conda/envs/tensorflow/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ Solution: install using conda. conda create -n tfgpu python=3.6.8 tensorflow=1.13.1 Reference: Github Issue.
shell Scripts Instances
Extract substring from string I want to extract MM-ABC-19-97-12-12 from 559268 clusterA jobB usersmith R 0:12 1 20-00:00:00 gpu:1 MM-ABC-19-97-12-12 solution (surpose the string is stored in file output.txt): cat output.txt | grep -P 'MM-ABC-19-97-12-12' -o here -P means Perl-style, and -o means match only. If we want to match arbitary number after ‘MM-ABC’, use […]
Difference between Reasoning and Inference
Let’s take a look at their definition The reasoning is how we form inferences about the world, while inference is a conclusion drawn from true or assumed-true facts. Reasoning There are different types of reasoning, which have different advantages. Deduction: a general-to-specific form of reasoning that goes from known truths to specific instances. If the […]
Notes on i386 and amd64
I am always confused by the difference between i386 and amd64 when I try to download some packages for my ubuntu. This has been the second time that I Google for the difference between them. I think I should take a little note on the subject. Differences From stackoverflow, i386 edition can be simply treated […]
Install and uninstall linux packages
Install Install with rpm (Read Hat) RPM (RPM Package Manager) is a popular package manager for installing software on Unix-like systems, particularly Red Hat Linux. The following is an example to install a package with file suffix “.rpm”: sudo rpm -i /path/to/package/name.rpm If you already have the earlier version of the software, enter the following […]
Config of my Oh-my-zsh
Recommending reading: It should clear in the link, and below is information to remind myself. First install zsh, then Oh-my-zsh, then install necessary plugin: zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, theme powerlevel9k. then clone the custom .zshrc file of yourself. NOTICE: Try to install plugin using oh-my-zsh! Others related to Zsh Change default shell to zsh General solution […]
[Repost] Index
TensorFlow Create a tensor proto whose content is larger than 2GB Makefile A Simple Makefile Tutorial Linux aptitude, apt-get, and apt Commands Installing RPM without sudo in CentOS Installing newer version of GCC in CentOS Conda & Notebook Add conda environments to Jupyter Notebook conda install pytorch using tsinghua channel
Notes on Compute Canada
File management best practices "As far as possible, use scratch and local storage for temporary files." The local storage on the could be accessed at $SLURM_TMPDIR. Try to avoid parallel write access to a file stored on a shared filesystem. But there is way out. Check the official documentation for more details.
[ubuntu] ubuntu安装packages问题
apt-get安装packages 使用ubuntu,apt-get(or newer apt)是系统自带的包管理软件。在安装或者更新软件之前,我们通常执行sudo apt-get update来更新apt-get能够安装的软件的最新版本信息。 添加ppa源 更常见的情况是我们需要添加第三方的repositories到apt-get的源中,这些第三方的源就叫PPAs(Personal Package Archives)。添加一个ppa源: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:hzwhuang/ss-qt5 去掉ppa源 但是当这个ppa源不可用时,在使用sudo apt-get update时,会遇到错误 E: The repository ' bionic Release' does not have a Release file. 所以我们需要将这个ppa源去掉 sudo apt-add-repository –remove ppa:hzwhuang/ss-qt5
Zotero Zotero是一个很好用的文献管理软件,它有分级文献管理、文件同步、bibtex导出等等好用的文献管理功能。下面介绍一下我常用的配置: 使用webDAV获得更大的文献存储空间 zotero自带的同步存储空间只有100M,这对于科研工作者来说是远远不够的,zotero自身提供升级的存储套餐,但是you know,我等平民消费不起。所幸,zotero提供webDAV接口进行文件同步。这个功能可以参照这篇文章,里面讲得比较详细了,这里不再赘述。 使用zotfile进行文件管理 zotfile是zotero的一个插件(add-on),十分好用,配合文件同步,它可以使你能够在移动平台上轻松访问、annotate你的论文文件,然后再同步到zotero中。其配置可以参考这篇文章。 One More Thing 我本人是使用坚果云来同步文件的,并没有使用webDAV的方式。在我的坚果云中,同步了两个文件夹,一个是Zotero(存储zotero下载下来的pdf文档),一个是Zotero_tablet(存储sent到tablet的文档)。而在配置新机器的时候,为了使zotero能够识别本地坚果云同步下来的pdf文件,需要到Zotero -> Preference -> Advanced -> Files and Folders -> Linked Attachment Base Directory设置为上面使用坚果云同步的Zotero文件夹,这样zotero就会自动识别该文件夹下面的pdf文件。
Ubuntu shadowsocksr 客户端使用
上周因为舍友查询了敏感词条,导致服务器无法访问了,真的是很烦!严重影响了学习和生活!导致ubuntu ss也不能用了,最后决定暂时用一下ssr。本来想用gui的,但是经过了一番折腾,发现现在ubuntu gui版的ssr真的是不方便! 经过一番功夫,找到electron-ssr这个包,因为原github repo已经原作者删除,现在已经不再维护了(有其余的分支可以看看,但我没有使用)。我找到了其他朋友备份的一个release版本,只可惜在我的机子没有顺利的建立连接,这个坑现在不打算填了(可能因为我使用的是订阅服务器,解释后的json文件有问题?)。 最后我的解决办法是,使用electron-ssr导出json文件,然后将json文件的信息导入到一个ssr的shell脚本工具生成的config里面,然后利用这个脚本建立连接。 config文件的路径是 /home/username/.local/share/shadowsocksr/config.json shadowsocksr的线程pid见 /var/run/